Ceremony Registration Form
法會名稱及日期 Ceremony Name and Date:
Please click the ceremony name. You may click self filled date to enter a ceremony date if not shown.
2025-03-16 03:00 PM
慶祝觀世音菩薩寶誕舉辦 高王觀世音菩薩祈福超度法會暨 高王觀世音息災賜福灌頂
2025-04-06 03:00 PM
清明尊勝佛母祈福超度法會暨 尊勝佛母息災賜福灌頂
2025-04-13 03:00 PM
準提佛母祈福超度法會暨 準提佛母息災賜福灌頂
2025-04-20 03:00 PM
天上聖母祈福超度法會暨 天上聖母息災賜福灌頂
自選日期 Self filled date
法會日期 Ceremony Date:
超度法會表格 Bardo Ceremony Registration
*亡者仙逝日期不知免寫 Leave blank if date of death unknown
亡者姓名 Deceased Name亡者仙逝日期 Date of Death*安靈地址 Burial Site/Address祈願 Wishes
隨喜供養 Donation:(港元 HKD)
禮懺祈福表格 Repentance Registration
拜懺者姓名 Name年歲 Age住址 Address祈願 Wishes
隨喜供養 Donation:(港元 HKD)
祈福法會表格 Blessing Ceremony Registration
祈福者姓名 Name年歲 Age住址 Address祈願 Wishes
隨喜供養 Donation:(港元 HKD)
Sponsor for ceremony offerings
供養者名稱 Name Of Sponsor
咒字蓮花 (供法會主尊用)
Paper Lotus (for offering to the Principal Deity)
Basic Donation Amount (HKD) $100
供養者名稱 Name Of Sponsor
蓮花 (超度亡靈用)
Paper Lotus (for deliverance of the deceased)
Basic Donation Amount (HKD) 35
福德正神/祖先/亡靈/纏身靈 Local Household God/Ancestor/Deceased/Attached Spirits
忌辰 Date Of Death
安靈地址 Address
Joss Paper

Basic Donation Amount (HKD) $35
福德正神/祖先/亡靈/纏身靈 Local Household God/Ancestor/Deceased/Attached Spirits
安靈地址 Address
If you wish to receive email acknowledgement of your donation and registration, an email must be provided.
主祈者 Primary Supplicant:
聯絡電話 Phone:
聯絡電郵 Email:
聯絡住址 Address:
隨喜供養不能小於零. Amount cannot be less than or equal to 0.
超度法會表格或祈福法會表格隨喜供養不能小於零. Blessing Ceremony Registration/Bardo Ceremony Registration Amount cannot be less than or equal to 0.
超度法會表格或祈福法會表格隨喜供養不能小於零. Blessing Ceremony Registration/Bardo Ceremony Registration Amount cannot be less than or equal to 0.
請填寫法會日期. Ceremony Date must be filled.
隨喜供養 Total Donation:(港元 HKD)